Is navigation intuitive enough?

Reviewing information architecture of Party Poker lobby LHN (left hand navigation) and identify the gaps.

Proposing required changes to the navigation tree to make it more predictable and intuitive with least possible modifications.



Understanding infomation design gaps

  • Navigation usage stats – Use BI and analytics data and understand the current utility of different navigation options given in Party Poker Lobby.

    Identify the obvious gaps / issues (if any) as per the numbers found in BI and analytics data.

    Focus group sessions - to arrive at most intuitive navigation menu as perceived by the groups.

  • Evaluate the gaps identified, by comparing the focus group sessions outcome with the stats assessment outcome.

    Give recommendations to fill the gaps with a minimum impact on the current user experience.



Finding based on BI and Web Analytics Data

Finding Overview

New players are accessing Friends module more than other modules and completely ignoring Rewards module.

Missions is the least accessed module.

Refer a friend’ is the least accessed module. Promotions is most viewed module

With the present scenario overall views for 3 modules is comparatively less to number of logins, in which Friends & Rewards has better views compared to Missions Module.


Analysis based on Focus Groups

Understanding how Information is preceived among Focused Groups

Groups we choose: 3
Young , Non – Experienced Tech Savvy
Experienced Tech Savvy
Experienced but not Tech Savvy

None of the above are familiar with our Poker client

Each group size: 6

Time Duration for each group: 45 Mins

Motive: To understand how various groups based on their past and present experiences, how they perceive and expect our information flow to be.

Activity Brief: Asked the individual groups to identify the given info and based on their understanding and online experience, they should group them into the 5 given modules

Constrains we kept: Considering 5 modules ( Rewards, Mission, My Account, Friends & Options )
Retained the existing modules names as it is.

Method: Interactive session while using sticky notes to capture their views

Young and Tech savvy – outcome

Rewards Missions My Account Friends Options
Bonus's Achievements Loyalty Refer a Friend Statistics
Promotions Active Mission Loyalty Points Messages Inbox Hand History
Points Store Friends Activity Privacy
Points History Find Friends Message Settings
Inter Account Transfer Security Settings
My Statements Inter Account Transfer
My Profile Stacking
Change Profile Pic Table Options
Real Money Balance Change Table Style
My Activity
My Details

Experienced and Tech savvy – outcome

Rewards Missions My Account Friends Options
Promotions My Activity Message Inbox Find Friends Privacy
Points History Active Mission My Activity Friends Activity Change profile pic
Points Store My Points Refer a Friend Security Setting
Loyalty points Hand History Message Settings
Loyalty Real Money Balance Table Options
Tournament Tickets Change Profile Pic Stacking
Bonus's My Profile
Inter Accout Transfer
My Statements

Experienced and not Tech savvy – outcome

Rewards Missions My Account Friends Options
Refer a friend Achievements Hand History Find Friends Security Setting
Inter Account Transfer
My Points Active Mission Change Profile Pic Friends Activity Message Settings
My Profile
Promotions My Activity Privacy Privacy  settings Table Options
My Statements
Points  Store Message Inbox Stacking
Real Money Balance
Loyalty Points Bonus Statistics
Message setting
Tournament Tickets
Points History

Comparing and merging 3 groups views with our current information grouping

Rewards Missions My Account Friends Options
Bonus Achievements My Details Find Friends Table Options
Tickets Missions My Inbox Friends Activity Multi Tabling
Promotions Hand History My Points Friends List Stacking
Loyalty Privacy My IAT My Profile Basic
Refer a friend Statistics Inter Account Transfer Privacy Settings Advanced
Missions Active Mission My Statements
Tournaments Tickets
Tournament Tickets
Real money Balance
Points Store
Loyalty Points
Tournament Dollars

Other Observations:

Module names: This has lot of influence in the way people perceive the options under them. Some of our module names are bit confusing, leading to conflicts in expectations. As a result, information grouping is overlapping between the modules.

Missions – many could not understand what it is.

Options – Too generic and doesn’t set clear expectation.

My Account: As we have specified “My” here, most of the people are expecting anything & everything related to ‘self’ under this module. So, lot of non-account related stuff is also expected here.

Options: When tried changing the name to “settings” it made more sense as most of the individuals could relate well than Options.


Visualising the mock

After the intial validation further study was done with Real Users which resulted in below Updated Design